Thursday, 5 March 2015

How To Make Fresh Coconut Milk

How to make fresh coconut milk

1 coconut will give you about 1/2 gallon of milk

What you'll need:
Boiling Water
Clean White Tee Shirt or Cheese Cloth

 To make coconut milk you will need dried coconuts, make sure they are filled with water and are heavy for their size.

1. Open your coconut with a hammer and reserve the water for later. Place it in the fridge so it can get cold, this will help you out later.

2. Remove coconut from its shell using a butter knife and grasping it almost at the tip, leaving no more than 2 inches of the blade will give you the best control of the coconut and knife and you're less likely to cut yourself. Another method of removing the coconut from its shell is to heat up the shell over the stove, the oil from the coconut will start to extract making the coconut pop out of its shell. The only thing I don't like about this procedure is that the heat gives the coconut a smoky flavor, which I personally don't like but some people do.

3. Slice the coconut into thin slices.

4. Have about 6 cups of water boiling and ready.

5. Fill your blender 1/2 way up with sliced coconut. Add enough boiling water to just cover the coconut, about 1 inch. Turn your blender in the highest setting until the coconut is completely processed. Note: Don't close the lid completely, the heat of the milk can blow your top off, leave a little gap so hot air can escape. You might want to slightly remove the plastic cap of the top of your blender so the hot air can escape from there.

6. Place your white clean tee shirt or cheese cloth over one of the bowls and slowly pour hot milk over the tee shirt. You might want someone to hold the tee shirt so it doesn't fall into the bowl or use a large rubber band to hold the tee shirt in place. Now this is where you're going to want to use the cold coconut water. Pour a bit of the cold water over the coconut to cool this down a bit.

7. Squeeze all the moisture out of the coconut. Place milk to the side and place coconut flaks in the other bowl. If you like you can try to rinse off as much coconut flaks off your tee. But if the other side doesn't have flakes on it than you can continue.

8. Repeat process until you've processed all of your coconut.

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